A current list of exhibitors containing all companies that have registered so far is available immediately online under the "Provisional list of exhibitors" for IDS Cologne 2025. https://www.ids-cologne.de/ids-cologne-aussteller/ausstellerverzeichnis/
The Society for the Promotion of the Dental Industry (GFDI), the commercial enterprise of the Association of German Dental Manufacturers (VDDI), and Koelnmesse said in a joint statement: "In 2025, IDS will once again be welcoming the who's who of the entire dental industry in Cologne. The excellent number of registrations clearly shows that IDS is recognised as the leading international event and that it offers the best forum for innovations and market trends. It is impressive to see, how many companies use IDS as a platform for their business development."
The organisers' priority lies on the sustainable business success of all stakeholders involved and has always been shaped by the Olympic principles. Like the Olympic Games that are being held in Paris this summer, IDS stands for excellence, fairness and global cohesion. "IDS is a unique product show for the entire dental industry. We create fair competition conditions for a sportingly ambitious and collective comparison of performance in line with the Olympic principle," Mark Stephen Pace, Chairman of the Association of German Dental Manufacturers (VDDI), emphasised. Manufacturers interested in presenting their new dental medicine or technical products and further developments and in establishing valuable business contacts, still have the opportunity to register for IDS 2025 via the official website.
The application form is available at https://www.ids-cologne.de/fuer-aussteller/aussteller-werden/aussteller-anmeldung/.
Furthermore, should you have any queries and concerns regarding the application, don't hesitate to contact Koelnmesse's team per e-mail at IDS@koelnmesse.de or by phone on +49 221 821-2086.
About IDS
The IDS (International Dental Show) takes place in Cologne every two years and is organised by the GFDI Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Dental-Industrie mbH, the commercial enterprise of the Association of the German Dental Industry (VDDI), and is staged by Koelnmesse GmbH, Cologne.
Note for editorial offices:
IDS photos are available in our image database on the Internet at www.english.ids-cologne.de/imagedatabase
Press information is available at www.english.ids-cologne.de/pressinformation
Copyright for press information: IDS Cologne - If you reprint this document, please send us a sample copy.
Your contact:
For details and information on the dental industry:
VDDI/GFDI - Press Office
Burkhard Sticklies / Agnes Plümer
sticklies@vddi.de / pluemer@vddi.de
Your contact for IDS:
Markus Majerus
Public and Media Relations Manager
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1
50679 Cologne
Tel +49 221 821-2627