Bienvenido a la página web de la Federación Alemana de la Industria Dental, asociación registrada (VDDI)

La industria dental alemana inventa y desarrolla tecnologías, materiales, métodos y equipos innovadores, que los odontólogos y técnicos dentales necesitan para conservar o recuperar la salud bucodental de millones de personas en todo el mundo.

Así contribuye de manera decisiva a la mejora de la calidad de vida y del bienestar físico y estético.

Además, la industria dental en Alemania ...

  • desarrolla su actividad en todo el mundo y es ejemplar en cuanto a la calidad de sus productos y a su fiabilidad "made in Germany"
  • es flexible y está orientada hacia los clientes y hacia el servicio
  • es una industria activa en la investigación que colabora estrechamente con la ciencia de la odontología y con la técnica dental
  • es un socio fiable para los odontólogos, los técnicos dentales y el comercio dental
- Alter: 367 Tage

Starting signal for the International Dental Show 2025:

online registration for exhibitors from the dental industry now open at

The International Dental Show (IDS) is opening its doors to the global dental community again from 25 to 29 March 2025. Based on the applications received via the official IDS website by the end of March 2024, the planning for the world's biggest and most important dental trade fair will then begin. The fair makes all of the industry's innovations, technologies and trends experienceable in Cologne.

As the biggest forum of the international dental community, IDS 2025 will bring the top international decisions-makers from the dental industry, dental technicians trade, specialised trade, education and industry sectors together in one location for the 41st time. The activation of the online form for self-registration on the IDS website is the official starting signal for participation at the pioneering trade fair, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2023.

With immediate effect, dental industry manufacturers from all continents and nations have the opportunity to present once again or for the first time their new dental medicine or technical products and further developments at IDS next year. The approx. 180,000 m² of gross exhibition space planned, spread over seven halls
of the Cologne fair grounds, underlines the high relevance the trade fair has for the entire dental industry.

Around 120,000 trade visitors from 162 countries attended the event last year to find out about the extensive offer of dental medicine and technical products that were presented by just under 1,800 exhibiting companies from 60 countries. Companies that have officially confirmed their participation at IDS by 31.03.2024, will be directly taken into consideration and positioned in the initial layout planning of the halls of IDS 2025.

Click here for the application form:

Furthermore, should you have any queries and concerns regarding the application,don't hesitate to contact Koelnmesse's team per e-mail at or byphone on +49 221 821-2086.

About IDS

IDS (International Dental Show) is staged every two years in Cologne and is
organised by GFDI (Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Dental Industrie mbH), the
commercial enterprise of the Association of the German Dental Industry (VDDI),
and is staged by Koelnmesse GmbH, Cologne.

Note for editorial offices:
IDS photos are available in our image database on the Internet at www.english.ids-

Press information is available at

Copyright for press information: IDS Cologne
If you reprint this document, please send us a sample copy.

Your contact:

For details and information on the dental industry:
VDDI/GFDI - Press Office
Burkhard Sticklies / Agnes Plümer /

Your contact for IDS:
Markus Majerus
Public and Media Relations Manager
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1
50679 Cologne
Tel +49 221 821-2627

Informe anual 2022 / 2023