
德国的牙科工业历史悠久(德国牙科工业协会成立于1916年)。纵观其发展历程,德国牙科工业一直以先驱的姿态,不断地为牙医诊所和牙科技工室推出新产品 和解决方案,很多产品决定了口腔行业的发展,至今仍然具有划时代的意义。这个传统一直延续到今天。当然,牙科产品的创新首先取决于工业界同学术界和教学领 域的紧密联系。德国牙科工业作为专业性很强的工业分支从其诞生之日起直至今天一直是由占绝大多数的中小企业组成,企业的规模虽然不大,但却具有很强的出口 实力(见数据与事实)。后者反映在该工业定期参加外国的相关专业展览会和其它贸易推广活动,而且往往都以强大的展团形式(见外国展览会)。











德国牙科工业遵循一个基本原理——最高的精密度是保证质量的前提,而且这一原理应该早在新产品的开发阶段就体现出来。在进入大规模生产之前,必须证实产品 能够可靠地发挥其设计功能,即使在极限条件下的长时间运行也不出现故障。因此,德国牙科工业可以保证,客户对任何一件产品的期望都能完全得到满足,无论在 医院,在牙医诊所,还是在牙科技工室,概莫能外。德国牙科工业只满意最好的质量,而不是第二好的质量。

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(Kopie 6)

[Translate to 漢語:]

The German Dental Industry = Quality "made in Germany"

There are four sectors in which the 200 member companies of the Association of German Dental Manufactures - with their products for the dental office and the dental laboratory - would like to continue to act as role model and pioneer: innovation, technology, quality and precision.


With its product and process innovations, the German dental manufacturing industry is traditionally renowned for setting the pace also on the international scale. This requires the ability to combine theory and practice. The proven and close cooperation with scientific dental research institutes plays an important role in this.


Present becomes past. Changes demand new conceptions. Problems of raw materials, new technologies. Thus, innovation in the German dental industry has become a permanent challenge for even better products and superior know-how to ensure that the "Made in Germany" quality seal is suitably represented on the world´s markets.

However, new products alone are merely one aspect of this. They must also always be seen as part of a customer-oriented approach to solving problems. The German dental industry has always considered it as its task to find these solutions.


Innovation without improved quality is regression. Therefore quality and quality assurance are given top priority by the German dental industry. For this reason, all over the world, products manufactured by the German dental industry are primarily associated with quality wether it be equipment and fittings for the dental surgery or dental laboratory, tools or materials, or working materials.


Developing precision as a prerequisite for quality directly at the design phase is the basic principle of the German dental industry. Before products are allowed to go into mass production they must also prove their ability to function reliably without any failures under extreme conditions for extended periods of time. For the German dental industry aims to ensure that every single product - be it for the clinic, surgery or laboratory - fulfills its promise of quality to the customer. Therefore, second best can never be good enough for the German dental industry.

Verband der Deutschen Dental-Industrie e.V.
Aachener Straße 1053 - 1055
50858 Köln

Postfach: 400663
50836 Köln

Tel: +49 221 50 06 87 0
Fax: +49 221 50 06 87 21
